I personally give up on either the walking or texting part after the first pedestrian-on-pedestrian collision, but Sidewalk Buddy may finally be the solution we’ve all been looking for.
It handles the problem better than similar apps that overlay video feeds in a full-screen transparency layer.
Sidewalk Buddy is a new app that tries to make the world safer for distracted pedestrians, whether they’re texting, browsing Facebook or playing a game.
[Sidewalk Buddy] overlays a video feed from your Android device’s back-facing camera to lessen the likelihood of you walking into a tree or stepping into something unwholesome while you’re texting or catching up on the news. If you like giving your mobile phone screen more attention than the real world while walking from place to place, then Sidewalk Buddy is the ideal solution.
So now you can send all your text messages and check all your emails while you’re literally on the go without knocking someone over or even hurting yourself. Just make sure you bring your buddy with you. If you are that person or know someone who walks around recklessly, make sure you tell them about this app.
Everyone knows that driving and texting is a highly dangerous recipe for disaster, but walking and texting can be just as troubling. So for those of you that just can’t quit, Sidewalk Buddy uses your device’s rear camera to give you a floating, live video feed so you can essentially see through your phone without ever missing a text.